Internet Safety Workshop

Internet Safety Hands on Workshop

“I don’t know how to use Instagram or Snapchat.”

When parents watch, teens take notice. One out of three teens would change their online behavior if they knew a parent was watching. So the question is…Do you know how and what to watch? Are you staying ahead or even just keeping up with your child when it comes to technology and social media?

The first step to being involved in your child’s online life is to learn how to navigate the apps they are using. Please join me on Thursday, May 12th for a hands-on workshop on Internet and smartphone safety with a focus on privacy settings and social media networks. Forward the invite to a friend! Or better yet, bring the parent of your child’s friend! Get on the same page. 

Come with Snapchat and Intagram loaded on your device and an account set up. We will walk through how to navigate these popular apps. You will send your first snap! You will post your first Instagram pic!

Specifically, we will cover:

– Instagram and Snapchat hand- on demo, including how to set privacy settings

– Restrictions and privacy settings for smartphones

– iPhones, iPads, and iTouch restrictions

– What social media sites are OK and which ones are not

– Smartphone monitoring programs including Teensafe for iPhones

I hope you can join me!  Space is limited!


Date: May 12th

Time: 10:00 am

Location:  Glen Oak Country Club, Glen Ellyn, IL

Cost: $35

Please RSVP @ by Friday, May 6th.

***Space is limited.  Please sign up as soon as possible!